Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 2: Visual Solutions

Here are some ads I found that use visual solutions to get their message across! Enjoy!

This was one of the best visual solution ads I found. There is no form of copy whatsoever because the image is so strong that it doesn't need explaining. By using accumulation and repetition, the smaller gas tank stands out right away therefore explaining how fuel efficient smart cars are.

This one is for the new Toyota Prado and uses the visual aid to show how multifaceted the vehicle is. Instead of using copy, they use a picture which contrasting environments which is a more effective means of illustration.

This ad uses the visual aid to explain the meaning behind the product. It shows a hypothetical, extreme situation that is out of the ordinary and therefore draws in the viewers eye immediately. By having the chef in an unusual environment, the viewers understand the power of the product, which essentially is so good that chefs aren't needed anymore.

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