Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 5: Outdoor Advertisements

This week I'm going to be talking about outdoor advertisements, where grabbing the viewers attention is more critical than in any other media. What used to be only billboards with words has now turned into not only billboards with spectaculars but also ordinary objects on the streets being turned into advertisements.

This outdoor ad really stuck out to me because it took a media that normal is only 2 dimensional and added movement and consequently a story to the advertisement. With rotating panels, the ad can show 3 different images, in this case illustrating the progression of age that makes the line "get a career you'll never want to leave" more applicable.

This ad is particularly effective in my opinion because of it's location. So many people are probably stuck behind buses in traffic every day, staring at boring metal. Now, with an advertisement on the exhaust pipe people have something to look at that grabs their attention. This is also really clever because part of the object itself (in this case the exhaust smoke) further enhances the meaning behind the ad that urge people to quit smoking.

This is a clever example of an everyday object that you walk past every day that has been turned into an advertisement. Not only is this effective because there is a lot of traffic, but eyes will be instantly drawn to the ad because it stand out as out of the ordinary now. I especially like this particular mailbox ad because the shape of the object itself makes the waterfall look even more realistic, like it is actually moving water.

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