Monday, April 19, 2010

Mann on the Mountain - Best Ads So Far

Here are three of my best ads so far. They are still works in progress!

Name of Ad: Deodorant for Feet Print Ad

Client: Gold Bond

Target Audience: People with smelly, itchy feet

Single sentence (Single Most Important Point): Gold Bond is just like deodorant but for your feet so if you wear deodorant daily you should also use gold bond daily.

Art direction intent, if not clear

Anything that will help the viewer understand the concept better: By comparing Gold Bond to deodorant and posing the question to the reader, the ad is creating a need that the consumer was previously unaware of. When reading the question, the audience is disgusted with the idea of leaving their house without putting on deodorant and, in turn, starts to think they must also need to treat their feet every morning.

Name of Ad: Coffee Conveyor Belt Print Ad

Client: Keurig

Target Audience: Gourmet coffee drinkers who are willing to spend a little more to get the convenience of excellent coffee in their own homes.

Single sentence (Single Most Important Point): With Keurig, coffee drinkers are able to get a range of different flavors constantly, one after another.

Art direction intent, if not clear: The ad is supposed to look like the kitchen counter is a conveyor belt that keeps rotating the different coffee cups for continuous variety.

Anything that will help the viewer understand the concept better: With normal coffee makers, consumers can only make a giant cup of one flavor. But with Keurig, people are now able to make different kinds not only in a single serving portion, but also in a short period of time.

Name of Ad: NOVA, the Greatest State in America, Print Ad

Client: Northern Virginia (NOVA)

Target Audience: Potential homebuyers and visitors of the Washington Metro Area and Virginia

Single sentence (Single Most Important Point): NOVA has everything that is cool in Washington D.C. as well as serves as the home of almost everything that Virginia is known for, which makes the area so cool that it is becoming its own state.

Art direction intent, if not clear: The yellow portion of Virginia, which is NOVA, is supposed to stand out and show literally that it is separating itself from its state as well as DC. I am still working on the headline, specifically the “well, not yet” line.

Anything that will help the viewer understand the concept better: The ad is supposed to show that NOVA is one of the coolest places around. So much so, that it is going to become the next state of America. The long copy takes on the tone of boasting, in terms of how NOVA has everything that is cool about both DC and the rest of Virginia. In fact, it goes as far to say that Virginia would be nothing without NOVA.